Genre: Interactive dance performance
Target Group: children of 6-18 months
Language: non-verbal
Duration 40 min
Details constitute the whole, contrasts form dynamics, movements lead to dance. This is how small children under three years learn and perceive life. Interactive dance performance for toddlers "World without eyes" is full of various movements, colours and surfaces that awaken the senses of toddlers and enhance their ability to notice details. The performance invites the child audience to become active participants and explore through movement the world around and movement itself, together with two dancers.
The idea of performance is based on presenting dance through aesthetically structured movement patterns expressing dance elements (space, time, energy) and through sensing various surfaces of scenery and costumes. Children are welcome to join the research action and stay in the process as long as they are interested.
Dansema dance theater is known for its leading role in dance performances for young audience in Lithuania. Dansema was the first professional theater, which by the initiative of the award-winning choreographer and artistic director Birute Baneviciute started to create dance performances for children in Lithuania. Since it was established in 2007 Dansema has toured in 30 countries around the world. Since 2012 Dansema focuses on dance productions for babies of 0-3 years. Since 2014 Dansema works with and for children with various disabilities. Dansema performances are nominated and awarded by the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture as the best children performances of the year.
Idea and choreography: Birutė Banevičiūtė
Co-choreography and dance: Giedrė Subotinaitė, Agnė Ramanauskaitė/Birutė Banevičiūtė
Stage design and costumes: Medilė Šiaulytytė
Music: Valerio Camporini Faggioni
Photo: Laura Vansevičienė
Supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture
Partner: Menų spaustuvė (Arts Printing House) (Vilnius)
Premiere: 2022, Vilnius
Lithuanian Culture Ministry Golden Stage Cross award nomination as the best performance for children and youth of the year