NAKS 2024 Side Program

The NAKS 2024 side program amplifies the voices of young viewers, creating bridges between fresh experiences, memories, and dreams. Like the entire festival, it encourages participation across all age groups, fostering an environment where impressions, thoughts, and feelings can be freely shared.

This vibrant side program includes playful reflections after perfromances, thematic discussions, workshops, and a mini-conference focused on children's and youth culture. These events run alongside the main program, offering opportunities for deeper engagement.

During reflections, theater artists and the audience come together to share immediate experiences, while workshops allow participants to explore themselves and the world through movement and creation. Often held after performances, these activities extend the impact of what has been seen, providing support in processing and understanding the experience.

The thematic discussions delve into topics where theater, the young audience, and society intersect. While these discussions are primarily geared towards adult festival visitors, younger participants are also warmly welcomed.

At the mini-conference, young people will engage in dialogue with their peers about the nature, characteristics, and challenges of sustainability. They will explore the values and mindsets that drive us forward, considering how ancestral cultures can thrive in the future.

Most side program events are free.

Side Program is created by:
Karmen Juhkam,
Eleriin Miilman,


    Laste- ja noortekultuuri inspiratsioonikonverents "platvorm'24"

    L 9.11 kl 11.00-15.00, Tartu Uus Teater.

    Arutelu: “NAKS – kuhu edasi?”

    R, 8.11 kl 16.00–17.30, Tartu Uus Teater, väike saal.

    Arutelu: “Kirjutatud ja kirjutamata teater”

    N, 7.11 kl 14.00-15.30, Tartu Uus Teater, väike saal.

    Arutelu: “Teater (erivajadustega) laste hariduses”

    K, 6.11 kl 16.00–17.30, Tartu Uus Teater, väike saal.

    Töötuba: Tantsuline loovliikumine beebidele (Helena Krinal)

    L 9.11 kell 10.30, Teatri Kodu

    Keel: eesti keeles
    Sihtgrupp: lapsed (8-24 kuud) vanema(te)ga
    Kestus: 30 min + 15 min mänguaeg ja arutelu

    Läbiviija: Helena Krinal

    Õpitoas uurivad lapsed õpetaja juhendamisel erinevaid objekte ja liigutusi, mis arendavad koordinatsiooni, tasakaalu, peenmotoorikat ning julgustavad loovust, innovaatilisust ja uurimisindu. Õpituppa palume selga panna mugavad, liikumist võimaldavad riided nii endale kui lapsele. Tunnis soovitame lapsel liikuda paljajalu. Kaasa võtta vett.

    Õpituba viib läbi Helena Krinal, kes on ema, tantsukunstnik, tantsuõpetaja ja Just tantsukooli vilistlane aastast 2008. Beebitunnis järgib ta dr. Birutė Banevičiūtė (Dansema dance theatre, Leedu) beebiklassi metoodikat. Dr. Birutė Banevičiūtė kunstiline ja pedagoogilise töö põhineb varajase lapsepõlve tantsutaju uurimisel.

    Workshop: Fantastic creatures (Katanari)

    On Tue Nov 5 at 12 pm, Teatri Kodu

    Language: English, translated in Estonian
    Target Group: suitable for everyone (children younger than 7 may have to team up with an accompanying adult)
    Duration: 2h

    The workshop will be led puppeteer Katarina Cakova from Slovakia.

    Small branch of wood, piece of moss, wings of leaves, furry paws and two sparkling eyes! Who is peeking from the box of found treasures? Accept the invitation and come to make your own fantastic creature from natural and found materials!

    Töötuba: Tants ainetundide mitmekesistajana (Ilieh teater)

    R 8.11 kell 14, Tartu Uus Teater

    Keel: eesti keeles
    Sihtrühm: lasteaia- ja algklasside õpetajad
    Kestus: 1h 30min

    Läbiviija Heili Lindepuu

    Töötoas saavad algklasside ja lasteaedade õpetajad ise läbi proovida, kuidas liikumise ja loovülesannete abil eri ainetunde mitmekesisemaks muuta ning jagatakse nippe, kuidas suunata lapsi rohkem liikuma ja sellele loovalt lähenema. Töötuppa tulijatel palume selga panna mugavad, liikumist võimaldavad riided ning kaasa võtta vahetusjalanõud.

    Töötuba viib läbi Heili Lindepuu, kes on koreograaf-lavastaja, produtsent ja koolitaja. Ta on Tallinna Tantsuteatri asutaja ning on olnud selle tegevjuht-produtsent, praegu juhib ta Ilieh teatrit. Ilieh teatris on valminud lavastus ”Tähesülem”, mis oli ka nomineeritud Eesti Kooriühingu aastaauhinnale. Koreograafina on Heili teinud viimasel ajal koostööd Emajõe Suveteatri, Vanemuise teatri ja Waldorf Teatriga. Lisaks on ta loonud koreograafia Kultuuripealinn Tartu 2024 programmi väljakuulutamise vaatemängule, muusikavideotele, rahvatantsurühmadele jms. Heili koolitab tegevpedagooge, kultuuritöötajaid jt ning on läbi viinud meistriklasse Eestis, Luksemburgis ja USA. Tema lavastusi on etendatud nii USAs kui ka mitmes Euroopa riigis.

    Workshop: Engaging Young Minds - Interactivity and Inclusive Creative Approaches (Bobbi Lo Produktion)

    On Thu Nov 7 at 4 pm, Tartu Genialistide klubi

    Language: English
    Target Group: teachers, theatre and drama teachers, professional theatre makers
    Duration: 1h 30min

    Teachers: Lava Markusson and Michael Tang

    Bobbi Lo Produktion creates innovative art for children and youth with a strong focus on interactivity and inclusive artistic processes. Join us for an engaging workshop centered around interactivity and inclusion in creative processes. We will explore our approach to engaging audiences of all ages, from collaborative creation with children to immersive experiences designed for teenagers. This workshop offers professional creators the opportunity to explore, discuss and experience our concepts for creating interactive dance performances. Participants will also have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with interactivity, contributing to a dynamic exchange of ideas. Together we will gain insights into research-driven processes and discover how interactivity enhances emotional resonance and audience connection.

    Bobbi Lo Produktion works to create a universe for its audiences where dance is the foundation and sound, costume and set design becomes a landscape to step into. With an articulate movement language and sharp aesthetics, Bobbi Lo Produktion creates performances where the audience gets to meet both themselves and the dancers very closely.

    Teachers: Lava Markusson and Michael Tang who co-founded Bobbi Lo Produktion in 2018. They hold the positions of artistic directors, choreographers, and dancers within the company.